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Colorful Handheld Flags - Senior Flags

Colorful Handheld Flags - Senior Flags

The hand-decorated flags available from Senior Flags are the ideal option for celebrations or other kinds of occasions. It is made of quality materials thus making it light and long lasting thereby making it usable for events like parades, sporting activities and celebration events. The flags are beautifully decorated for increasing team support or projects in any mass activities. This makes it easy for even kids to span them around with excitement. Get handheld flags from Senior Flags to have fun and enjoyment in any event at any time by making each occasion filled with more energy and fun!

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Imamo najbolja rješenja za vaše poslovanje

Profesionalni smo proizvođač zastava i jarbola od 2003. godine, specijalizirani za nacionalne zastave, reklamne transparente, zastave za automobile, ručne zastave, zastave za plaže i navijačke zastave za proslave, korporativne logotipe, promocije i sportska događanja. Smještena u Shaoxingu, Zhejiang, naša tvornica od 240,000 kvadratnih metara sadrži dvije radionice za ručni i strojni tisak, s mjesečnim kapacitetom od 200,000 komada. Naš tim uključuje 300 kvalificiranih radnika, 20 profesionalnih dizajnera i 30 kvalificiranog rukovodećeg osoblja, posvećenog pružanju proizvoda koji zadovoljavaju kupce kroz njihov naporan rad.

Zašto odabrati Senior Flags

Zastava Pole

Čvrsta konstrukcija osigurava dugotrajnu upotrebu na otvorenom.

Ručne zastave

Žive boje koje se ističu u svakoj gomili.

Body Flags

Lagan i udoban za cjelodnevno nošenje.

Navijački šal

Mekan, moderan i savršen za pokazivanje timskog duha.


Što korisnici kažu o Senior Flags

Naručili smo više stupova za zastave za naš događaj, a kvaliteta je nadmašila naša očekivanja! Čvrst i jednostavan za sastavljanje, savršen za naše vanjske zaslone. Topla preporuka za masovnu kupnju!


James Harrington

Ručne zastavice koje smo kupili na veliko bile su hit na našem festivalu! Živahne boje i izdržljiv materijal učinili su ih omiljenim među posjetiteljima. Definitivno ćemo ponovno naručiti za naš sljedeći događaj!


Maria gonzales

Body barjaci su bili fantastičan dodatak našim sportskim događanjima! Lagani su i lako se nose, što ih čini idealnim za entuzijastične obožavatelje. Skupne cijene također su vrlo konkurentne!


Liam O'Connor

Nabavili smo navijačke šalove u velikim količinama za naše navijače i ispali su super! Meka tkanina i živopisni dizajni razveselili su sve. Izvrsna veleprodajna usluga!


Sofija Müller


Imate li neko pitanje?

How can handheld flags be used to enhance my brand's presence at events?‌

Handheld flags are an excellent way to enhance your brand's presence at events by providing a portable and highly visible means of displaying your brand's logo or message. They are perfect for trade shows, sports events, parades, and other public gatherings where brand visibility is crucial.

Yes, you can fully customize the design of the handheld flags to align with your brand's identity. This includes selecting specific colors, incorporating your logo, and adding any other branding elements that are important to you.

Yes, our handheld flags are designed to be durable and can withstand various weather conditions. They are made from high-quality, weather-resistant materials that are resistant to rain, wind, and sun exposure, ensuring that your flags will maintain their appearance and functionality even in adverse weather.

Distributing handheld flags among participants at large events is quite straightforward. They are lightweight and easy to carry, which makes them popular among attendees. You can set up distribution points or have staff members hand them out to ensure maximum coverage.

The lead time for custom handheld flag orders can vary based on the complexity of the design and the quantity ordered. Generally, it takes approximately 2-3 weeks from the time the order is placed until the flags are ready for shipment. However, expedited options may be available for urgent requests upon request.


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